

This is just hilarious!
oooohhh i'm cold I need a Snuggie Blanket.

who's up to buy one? second pair is free for ME! with a book light...haha
it comes in red, blue, and green.

TV [television]

Morning shoutOUT... yay! it's thursday!
aahhh! as a student this fourth day of the week is indeed a "friday's eve" to take a break from all the stress...some may call it a "thirst-day" lol! happy hour time per se.

Meet my BFF...
as i lay on my bed at this very moment, i was just thinking how much i watch
TV (television)
  • right when i wake up
  • when i'm eating (breakfast/lunch/merienda/dinner)
  • when i'm surfing the net/posting blogs/facebook/myspace/twitter
  • in the shower (even if there's no TV in my bathroom)
  • studying (of course it's on MUTE)
  • putting make up on 
  • sleeping (set on sleep for 60 min)
i can definitely go on and on..with this list, but you can probably see my daily routine
revolves around the TV being ON at all times.
well ever since i was young, i was always watching tv
"i'm not a reader, but a watcher"
visual learner-lol!

i just love hearing the sound of what's on TV
it makes it homie for me, i guess it's like how my brother has to have his radio ON 
all the time.

my parent's always tells me to turn my TV OFF [most of the time] because they can see that i'm not even watching, perhaps i was doing some of the stuff i've listed.

e.g. TV is ON but obviously keeping myself busy by taking photos ;p 

just like what i used to say..."girls gotta do what girls gotta do"



the first time i visited academy of science was during day time and now or so i've heard that it's having "nightlife" with cocktails ;) FUN!
i surely enjoyed the nightlife more because there's absolutely NO kids running around [21 & up only]...trust ME i don't hate kids, but too many of them is just too many of them!!! 
 and of course the drinks are a plus and the crowd is very diverse.









happy birthday charmagne!

entrance fee: $10
wine: $8
mixed drinks: $7-$10

Lola's [Gucci]

From what i recall in old photos of my lola [grandma: in Filipino] she had a purse on her that was hanging on her right wrist. About a month ago, for some weird reason i was thinking of what kind of purse she was holding...i named a few to my auntie and well what do you know 'voila' it was her vintage Gucci. Well i kindly asked my auntie if i can sport it for awhile, since lola is in the Philippines she won't be needing her old [vintage] aahhemm purse! So, without my lola's consent my auntie kindly let me borrow it. But then again weird feeling came stumbling or should i say anxious...i want the purse! aahhh! as soon as i got home with my lola's purse, i called her long distance to ask if i can YEP have it! i felt bad cause she was taking a nap and i woke her up, but she was happy to hear my voice lol! ...."yea, go take it" she made my day! 
THANKS lola ;)



[extra hairdo piece--my hairdo for the day]
lovin' the braids 



Mum Day <3

Mama, Mum or Ma' -i love you!!!Photobucket

happy mother's day

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